
Newborn blogger

This is my first blog and hence, my first post. I'm not exactly sure how this works, or how to "write" for a blog, but I'm going to give it a try.

Why a blog now? Well, my life is about to change dramatically. My husband and I are expecting our first child in just 8 weeks. Each day brings new thoughts, emotions, fears, excitement, and physical discomforts, so what better way to work through them all but on a public forum like the internet! I'll be surprised if anyone actually stumbles upon this blog, aside from the few family and friends I'm considering letting in on the secret, but if they do, it might provide for some entertainment and maybe I'll get some good old fashioned advice.

I'm just about 32 weeks along in my pregnancy, which as I said, leaves us with about 8 weeks left before we welcome this little one into our world. Maybe I should have begun this blog when I found out I was pregnant, but quite honestly, my pregnancy has been somewhat uneventful. I'm not complaining. But as the final weeks close in on us, my head is swimming with to-do lists and unfinished projects, intermingled with feelings of doubt and panic. Ok, maybe panic is a little strong, but it's something close.

I posted this photo of our two dogs, Shana and Biggie. They've been our kids for the last 10 or so years, and while I'm not sure they know what's about to happen either, I hope that they will be as excited about the new one as we are. Can you teach a dog to change a diaper????